Active For All
The most important information for studio managers about FIBO Show 2025
What fitness solutions does a world that wants to become more active and stay healthy need? How do we continue to offer our customers maximum workout fun and success in the future? Where do we best target fitness enthusiasts - and how do we take them further? Because studios today need the right answers to the important questions of tomorrow, FIBO 2025 thinks ahead.
What awaits you:
High-quality knowledge transfer, best practices & an extensive exhibition programme to be well prepared for the current challenges in the fitness market.
Lectures and expert talks on current topics such as exercise, prevention and nutrition as well as digitalisation at the Meeting Point Health
Largest selection of (training) equipment, services and solution providers worldwide in one place
FIBO Congress with a diverse programme of lectures on the latest topics in the fitness and health industry
Market overview of new developments and innovations, especially in the fields of digitalisation with the new Confex hall
Future Forum focusing on the future of the industry, digitization and startups.
Flexible ticket options - from 1 to 4 days
You want to be a part of it?
During the trade fair you will enjoy numerous program highlights
Excerpt of our Exhibitors
You want to be part of it?
Strong Partners
Do you have questions or need help?
Please contact us! We will be happy to help you
Support for visitors

10 – 13 April 2025

Exhibiton Center Cologne
Messeplatz 1
50679 Cologne

Opening Hours:
Thursday - Sunday: 9am - 6pm