10 – 13 April 2025
Exhibition Centre Cologne

HYROX: The ultimate fitness race that combines running and functional fitness

(c) RX Deutschland GmbH / FIBO 

Bar ohne Namen

Entschlossen verweigert sich Savage, der Bar einen Namen zu geben. Stattdessen sind drei klassische Design-Symbole das Logo der Trinkstätte in Dalston: ein gelbes Quadrat, ein rotes Viereck, ein blauer Kreis. Am meisten wurmt den sympathischen Franzosen dabei, dass es kein Gelbes-Dreieck-Emoji gibt. Das erschwert auf komische Weise die Kommunikation. Der Instagram Account lautet: a_bar_with_shapes-for_a_name und anderenorts tauchen die Begriffe ‘Savage Bar’ oder eben ‚Bauhaus Bar‘ auf.


Für den BCB bringt Savage nun sein Barkonzept mit und mixt für uns mit Unterstützung von Russian Standard Vodka an der perfekten Bar dazu.





In a world that is constantly looking for new fitness challenges, HYROX presents a unique opportunity to push athletic boundaries and redefine personal bests!

An article by HYROX.

HYROX, the largest indoor fitness event in the world, combines running and functional fitness into a spectacular race that offers both amateur athletes and fitness enthusiasts a platform to compete and improve themselves. For many people who exercise regularly, HYROX offers an opportunity to prepare for a goal with their training. The event is open to everyone, regardless of age, gender or fitness level.

During the race, participants complete a series of eight functional exercises: Skiing, Rowing, Sled Push and Pull, Burpees, Lunges, Farmers Carry and Wall Balls, which aim to improve strength, endurance and agility. These exercises are combined with running distances of 8 x 1 kilometres.

To prepare participants for the HYROX race, HYROX offers Physical Fitness Tests all over the world. This allows those interested to test their fitness level and prepare specifically for the race. HYROX courses are also offered in licensed fitness centres to prepare participants for the demands of the race.

HYROX has developed into a global phenomenon that brings people from all over the world together to take on sporting challenges. "HYROX is not just about finishing first," explains Jacob Tilly, Manager Director Europe. "It's about challenging yourself, pushing your personal limits and experiencing a sense of community."


At the Major Races, the fastest athletes have the opportunity to qualify for the Elite15 Race at the World Championships in Nice. The Elite15 are the 15 fastest HYROX athletes of the season per gender. At each Major, the first three places in the Major Race receive a starting place at the World Championships. You can also apply for the Elite15 World Championships in the so-called "Last Chance Qualifiers". Anyone can enter by registering in the Pro category at an event with Last Chance Qualifiers spots. The "Pro" category means heavier weights at the workout stations compared to the "Open" weights. At FIBO you have the opportunity to register in the "Pro" category and if you are fast enough, you can qualify for the Elite15 and thus for the World Championship race in Nice.

Find more information about HYROX and upcoming events on the HYROX website.

At FIBO 2024, All Inclusive Fitness x HYROX Cologne in Hall 10.1 will once again drive its athletes to peak performance and provide visitors with an inspiring live experience on 13 and 14 April.


Throwback HYROX at FIBO 2023: