10 – 13 April 2025
Exhibition Centre Cologne

"Remember that in order to have the life you dream for, you must be willing to do something you have never done!"

© RX Austria & Germany

Bar ohne Namen

Entschlossen verweigert sich Savage, der Bar einen Namen zu geben. Stattdessen sind drei klassische Design-Symbole das Logo der Trinkstätte in Dalston: ein gelbes Quadrat, ein rotes Viereck, ein blauer Kreis. Am meisten wurmt den sympathischen Franzosen dabei, dass es kein Gelbes-Dreieck-Emoji gibt. Das erschwert auf komische Weise die Kommunikation. Der Instagram Account lautet: a_bar_with_shapes-for_a_name und anderenorts tauchen die Begriffe ‘Savage Bar’ oder eben ‚Bauhaus Bar‘ auf.


Für den BCB bringt Savage nun sein Barkonzept mit und mixt für uns mit Unterstützung von Russian Standard Vodka an der perfekten Bar dazu.





Interview with fitfluencer Sara Febles (@sara_infitness).

FIBO: Sara, what is your favourite exercise?

Sara Febles: Squats and sumo squats are my favourite exercises. I enjoy legs day the most! Specially because they are the largest muscle group of the body together with glutes, so it requires a lot of power. Training legs twice per week not only will help you to grow muscles but to strength muscles through your entire body. 


FIBO: You were at FIBO this year: How did you like it and what were your impressions?

Sara: After so long time coming back to FIBO this year was an incredible experience, the atmosphere, the shows, very well organized. It was not crowdy so I could walk easily to visit all the halls.  I met people that I haven’t seen in long time and get motivation from professional athletes like themiraclebear, Sandra Prikker, David Hoffmann… You know I love bodybuilding, it’s my passion but I have to say that my favourite hall was N.8, the health and wellness area where everyone could learn more about the benefits of having balanced sleep and diet for regeneration after the workout. How the sauna or a massage will support you with the muscle regeneration. I am already looking forward for FIBO 2023.


FIBO: You have won the bikini Overall Champ twice, how did you get into bodybuilding? When did you start?

Sara: I started my fitness journey when I moved to Germany in 2017. I was never a fitness lover; I wasn't good in any sport when I was kid and I had never competed in any sport until the age of 32.

Emerging from a very tough times in 2016 when I lost everything, it was time to rule my destiny again. After a depression I found the way out of that situation in fitness and bodybuilding. This new lifestyle saved my life, teaching me how to be consistent, disciplined and dedicated. I realized that I needed a transformation IN and OUT, so I committed to myself to change into a healthier path adopting better nutrition routines and being more active. After 6 months I started to see improvements, mentally, physically and spiritually. I was amazed about how intelligent our bodies are, so I decided to try competition at the end of 2017. It was a great experience, but I placed 6th in my first time competing, so the last one in my category. Not satisfied with that, I knew if I work harder and more disciplined, I could achieve better results. It was never about winning a trophy, for me it was always about being better than yesterday, I wanted to prove myself I can always achieve my goals no matter what circumstances you go through in life.

In March 2018, in my second competition I placed first in my category, and I won my first overall in NAC Luxembourg. One month later, in the Championship WBBF Germany I won again first place and overall, in Bikini over 30 category.


FIBO: Did the strength and resilience you need in bodybuilding also help you in motherhood?

Sara: Definitely yes! In life there will be good days, bad days and everything in between. I learn to focus on things that makes me happy, and I remember every single day what I am grateful for which helps me to go through difficult moment. Since I start bodybuilding, I never quit on anything or give up in my goals or dreams. It’s an everyday job and I know for sure that my strength and positive behaviour will help my daughter to recover from any setbacks and problems, helping her to build her confidence and making her feel more capable next time a problem comes up.


FIBO: How did you get back into sport after birth of your child?

Sara: I went through my pregnancy alone in Germany and the fact I wasn’t having my family next to me during the first 7 months makes me get more focus on my health and my baby’s wellbeing.  I never stop doing sport during all this time, not at the same intensity of course, but adapting the exercises and the weights to my physical state. I am sure that helps me to get back on shape quickly after having birth.

The first three months as a mother were tough, in the delivery day, the epidural anesthesia produced a nerve damage in my right leg and I couldn’t walk during all this time, so I couldn’t train because I needed 12 weeks of rehab. As soon as I recover, I started my preparation to compete again. I didn’t want to give up on myself after birth and I don’t want to see any woman giving up on herself after being mother, thinking that their bodies are ruined. Its true that your body won’t be the same anymore, but trust me, it can be even better. That’s why I create a program to help moms with the right workout and nutrition plans to achieve their goals and feel happier, more confident, strong and sexy.

We can’t be perfect moms, but we learn and improve every day. If you take care of yourself mentally, physically and spiritually your child will copy the same behaviour from you, and that’s the best legacy you can give to them, to build their self–confidence and willpower, characteristics that they don’t teach us at the school which are very important to have a healthy lifestyle.


FIBO: How do you find the balance between physical and mental health?

Sara: We are often thinking that our mind and body are separated, but the truth is that our physical health and mental health are connected. Someone with physical health problem has higher risk to increase their mental health problems like depression, anxiety for example and at the same time someone depress will experience headaches, fatigue, digestive problems, insomnia and difficulty to concentrate.

Lately I have been working and studying a lot about how to align my mind, body and soul because I realize that’s the key to succeed in every aspect of our life, to be confident and happy with ourselves. So what can we do to help ourselves?

Exercise! Research show that doing exercise release feel-good hormone called endorphins, so a small walk a day will improve your mental health, your energy, your mood, releasing pain and stress.

Eat well! Have you heard about this sentence? “WE are WHAT we EAT” In fact, if you eat healthy food you will start to feel more energetic, and it will also prevent depression and dementia. Eat well means to me to have a balance diet which contains healthy proteins, fats, carbohydrates vitamins, minerals and water.

Stop smoking! We all know how negatively smoking can impact in our health. Smoking kill, many people think that smoking relives their symptoms but this is only in the short term, it will lead you to heart diseases, diabetes, infections, dental, skin and breathing problems…etc

Make and appointment with your doctor and therapist! If you are worried about your health just talk to them, doctors will give you the best advice and if you find hard to go by yourself ask a friend or a family member to go with you.


Remember that in order to have the life you dream for, you must be willing to do something you have never done.